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Looking for a First-Class R & D tax credit advisor?

Electrical Engineering R&D Tax Credits

Electrical engineering businesses are crucial for commercial, health, and military industries. That is because they create a wide range of necessary products, including WiFi, sensors, Bluetooth capabilities, data storage, and many others. But to achieve all that, electrical engineering companies often incur research and development expenditures, which are costly.

For this reason, they need to rely on the Electrical Engineering research and development tax credit to recover part of their expenses. Generally speaking, your electrical engineering company can get refunds of up to 22% of your total QREs. However, the exact sum will depend on the state in which it operates.

Qualifying Costs and Activities

Costs for third-party contractors, raw materials, and supplies used in R&D projects are all regarded as QREs. You can also cover job titles like project managers, production managers, electronic designers, electrical project engineers, electrical engineers, circuit engineers, and C-suite. Moreover, qualifying activities for the R&D tax credit in the Electrical Engineering industry include:

  • Creating new PCBs;

  • Developing schematic designs;

  • Creating prototypes and new publications;

  • Assessing prototypes for functionality and customer requirements;

  • Evaluating products created in factories.

When You Need Expert Help

Contact our team of tax credit professionals to calculate your electrical engineering R&D tax credit without upfront costs.



What kind of companies can apply?

Electrical engineering companies that conduct qualifying research activities.

What data do I need to calculate credit?

Claim period gross receipts.

What information do I need to provide?

General ledger expense detail, payroll records, project notes, project lists, emails, purchase orders, and other documents regarding QREs for the claiming period.

Is credit carryforward an option?

Yes, up to twenty years.

request a call back.

Would you like to speak to one of our R&D tax credit advisors over the phone? Just submit your details and we’ll be in touch shortly. You can also email us if you would prefer.